Kaspersky. SymbianOS9.x Crack With Step By Step Images

special credit : raju

Here I am giving you the step by step guide to crack it . No packing or Unpacking is required. No additional PC apps. are wanted.

After reading this thread , believe me you'll crack your kaspersky ultimately (If Allah wishes)

Tools Required :

* Xplore for SymbianOS9 any version.

* Your phone MUST be hacked.

Method :

1- You need to have a hacked phone To do all the following steps.

2- Download and install Kaspersky application from this link (it's signed):


3-Once you have installed it you will get this screen massage telling you to activate :

4- Close kaspersky (exit it ) and run Xplore application :

5- ok, using xplore go to the following folder :


and rename this folder temporarely to " 2001CFC6t " ( add "T")

6- In the folder you renamed , can you see this file " settings.kls" ?

If you can see it, so you're so far so good.

7- Rename the this file " settings.kls " ---to---> " self_settings.kls " (i.e. add self prefix to distiguish this file the the next file )

8- Download this file (called " nonself_settings.kls " from the following link :


9- Here is the most important part :

put this file " nonself_settings.kls " in your phone in the same folder u renamed above " 2001CFC6t " (copy , paste)

10-By explore , put the selection mark on the self file :

" self_settings.kls "

and press in Xplore : Menu ---> file ---> Hex viewer

scroll downl

Copy the numbers Highlighted in this image to a paper :

11- Now go to the non self file " nonself_settings.kls " by Xplore :

and go to : Menu ----> file ----> Edit

Scroll downwards to this segment in the image below .

replace these numbers with the numbers you have written in the paper.

At the end it should be like this ( not the same numbers of course )

Click back and then save :

13-now Remove the prefix " nonself_settings.kls " ------to-----> " settings.kls "

14- Remove the "t" from the end of the folder name " 2001CFC6t " ------to be----> " 2001CFC6 "

15- Run Kaspersky again, YOU WILL SEE :

good luck

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