How to Add Blog Headline Animator to your Email Signature

Credit:eHow Community
Another way of gaining more traffic to your blog or website aside from promoting it into forums, various networking sites and submitting to major search engines is to add headline animator to your email signature. When sending emails to friends, relatives and other contact, create a signature of your blogs or website' s headline using feeds burner.
Step 1
Create an account in You can also sign in to FeedBurner using your google account.
Step 2

Type your blog or feed address on the as shown in the picture and click NEXT button.
Step 3

Skip STEP 2 if you already added your feeds, click the feeds title you wished to be in your email signature. Refer to sample picture for example.
Step 4

Another tab or page will be opened that looks like one in the picture.
Step 5

Click Publicize tab (1) and look for Head Animator (2) under Services. Refer to the picture when necessary.
Step 6

Click Email Signature under Head Animator as seen in the picture. You can choose to customize your signature by scrolling down make from changes to the default email signature appearance. You can also Add it to your blogs by following the numbered steps in the picture. Click NEXT (3) to proceed.
Step 7

A new window will open. Choose Yahoo Mail for example as seen in the picture below.
Step 8

Follow the steps on how to use head animator in your email account.
Step 9
If you have any questions,post it as comment. Goodluck

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