How to make facebook profile hack

I found out through Mashableforum balikita and Reface that there is a new trend on Facebook's profiles. Looks like people are getting very creative with the new look Facebook has provided. So I've been gathering ideas to come up with one for my Facebook Profile.

In the meantime I thought I would share a few of my favorite ones. 

The following is how to make it
1. Prepare the first image that will be used for your profile
2. Create an image with width 180px (height is up), then upload [upload it] and make the Profile Pictures 
3. Create 5 images with width 68px heigth 97px , upload it anywhere it's up
4. Last ... mark the 5 thumbnails [small image] it with your name, so that everything appears on the profile pages 

please create your liking..happy tweaking.. 
READ MORE - How to make facebook profile hack

Garmin Mobile XT Version 5.00 + Indonesia Maps Unlocked - Tested on Nokia 5800xm

Apa itu Garmin? Garmin adalah sebuah software Navigasi khusus untuk perangkat GPS sebagai penunjuk jalan. Selagi signal GPS tertangkap oleh perangkat Garmin, maka Garmin mampu menunjukkan jalan sekalipun kita berkendara atau berjalan kaki. Di bawah ini adalah gambar contoh perangkat Navigator GPS dengan software Garmin :

Garmin juga sudah meluncurkan produknya untuk perangkat Symbian yang sudah support GPS. Pada artikel ini saya akan bagikan kepada kamu, Garmin Mobile XT + Indonesia Maps Unlocked!

Mari kita langsung saja mempraktekkan bagaimana cara memasang software navigasi Garmin di ponsel symbian kamu.

1. Perangkat yang kamu butuhkan adalah :
  • Ponsel symbian dengan GPS Tech support.
  • PC / laptop / notebook.
  • Kabel data (konektor lain semisal bluetooth).
  • Konsentrasi :)
2. Software dan file yang kamu butuhkan :
  • Garmin Mobile XT, download disini.
  • Garmin keygen, download disini.
  • Gmap, perangkat peta untuk Garmin, download disini (large file).

3. Cara pemasangan
  • Buka GarminMobileXT_5_00_60_S60_TW.exe yang baru saja kamu download.
  • Install di PC / laptop / notebook di direktori mana saja.
  • Setelah berhasil di instal, kamu akan temukan folder Garmin beserta subfolder dengan isinya.
Folder Garmin dan subfolder lainnya
  • Copy folder Garmin dan subfolder lainnya ke MMC ponsel di E:
  • Instal GarminMobileXT.sis di ponsel.
  • Selesai.
4. Unlock Garmin
  • Buka Garmin di ponsel, masuk ke menu Settings - About.
  • Catat unit ID Garmin di ponsel kamu.
Unit ID Garmin (berbeda-beda)
yang di lingkari
  • Buka garmin_kgen.exe di PC yang baru kamu download.
  • Tulis unit ID di kotak kosongnya dan tekan tombol generate atas.
generate unit ID
  • Copy kode generate-nya di notepad dan simpan.
  • Rename filenya dengan nama sw.unl dan copy ke E:Garmin\ di MMC ponsel.
file sw.unl yg kamu buat sendiri

Sekarang Garmin yang kamu instal sudah bisa mendeteksi komponen GPS built-in di ponsel. Caranya :
  • Masuk ke menu Settings - System.
  • Pilih Remote GPS.
  • Switch GPS ke mode 'enabled'.
Remote GPS setting
  • Selesai.

5. Unlock Map
  • Di dalam yang sudah kamu download, berisi dua file, yaitu : gmapprom.img dan gmapsupp.img. Yang perlu di unlock hanya file gmapprom.img. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Copy file gmapprom.img dan gmapsupp.img ke E:Garmin\ di MMC ponsel kamu.
  • Catat kembali unit ID Garmin di ponsel kamu.
  • Tulis unit ID di Garmin keygen.
  • Pada posisi bawah Garmin keygen, pilih 'select Map Product'.
  • Pilih 'custom mapset'.
  • Isi Map ID dengan kode 2048, klik OK.
pilih mapset dan masukkan map ID
  • Tekan tombol generate ke-2 di posisi bawah.
  • Copy kode hasil generate ke notepad dan save.
kode unlock map
kode untuk tiap ponsel berbeda
  • Rename file menjadi gmapprom.unl, dan copy ke E:Garmin\ di MMC ponsel (lakukan seperti file sw.unl).
  • Restart ponsel dan buka Garmin.
  • Selamat bernavigasi dengan Garmin di ponsel.

Garmin Mobile XT

 Silahkan bertanya jika menemui kesulitan dengan mengisi komentar di bawah thread ini.
 Enjoy your navigate!!
READ MORE - Garmin Mobile XT Version 5.00 + Indonesia Maps Unlocked - Tested on Nokia 5800xm

Facebook home screen widget S60v5/^3

Facebook home screen widget and App

Hey guys,
Finally got a working facebook widget for the c6 port by pnht. It has been tested and works fine for me. Just follow these simple steps and you would definitely get a fb widget,
Steps to install:
Extract both files.
Install facebook_n97.wcz
Add FB widget on your homescreen.
Install Facebook.sisx .
Holla!! *working* FB widget on your
the fb app provided is the latest one.
Highly recommended for fb addicts (like me )
Attached Files
READ MORE - Facebook home screen widget S60v5/^3

Scientific Calculator v1.00 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned Retail

Repack by: Khisrow Safi 

A very powerful scientific and statistic calculator designed for you TouchScreen Nokia phone. Enjoy the power of a real scientific calculator inside your Nokia phone.


Credit Goes to gapata for converting SWF To SIS

Repack Change-log

Now you can install it to anywhere you want like C: Or F:

Symbain S^3 Support Added


READ MORE - Scientific Calculator v1.00 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned Retail

MMMOOO M1 Android UI v1.1 S60v3S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Android Shell - TRICK METHOD]

MMMOOO M1 Android UI v1.1 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Signed

M1, the all new launcher from MMMOOO, running with Android UI shell on Symbian phones. It's the first & best Android UI shell in Symbian apps.
* Fullly emulates Android UI
* Quick launcher to S60 Nokia Samsung apps
* Weather Widget
* Call & SMS notifier (for S60 5th only)
* Add, Rearrange & Delete every icons on the home screen for S60 5th models; Add & Delete every icons on the home screen for S60 3rd models
* Support touch screen
* Key lock
* Registration module inside: Ensure M1 owner enjoy dedicated MMMOOO Premium Service with distinguish & guarantee.
Changelog: V1.1
- Added SMS notifier and world wide weather inside.
- First download and install SIGNED RETAIL version 1.00.
- After install, open the application once and close it.
- Then install v1.1 ovewriting v1.0
- Done. Enjoy the full retail version v1.1
TRICK 2: (Without Overwriting)
- Sign and Install v1.1 from below
- Run x-plore
- Then Run M1 application from Application folder, select trial and then exit from M1.
- Finally open x-plore and go to C: Private/AF101004/EB62125B59B4D4502A
In this folder, there will be only one file, change its attributes to read only.
[i.e file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7 set asread only]
- Done. Enjoy unlimited trial

Attached Files
READ MORE - MMMOOO M1 Android UI v1.1 S60v3S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Android Shell - TRICK METHOD]